Everyone likes to save money, especially in today’s world. Buying anything in bulk will save you money in the long run, make planning for any event a lot easier (and life less stressful). Buying food in bulk is one the most important things you’ll purchase. But you want to ensure you buy products with a long shelf life.
Ready Hour has you covered! Our Buttermilk Pancake Mix has a shelf life that will last up to 30 years unopened,* and one year once you open the pack. With this delicious pancake mix, your family will enjoy a great breakfast. Make pancakes or waffles that taste just like mom used to make.
Plus, this mix is an excellent source of 12 essential vitamins and minerals. Just what you need in an emergency.
The good news is that you don’t have to have electricity to store this product as it requires no refrigeration. Make what you want, then reseal the packaging for the next time you need to eat.
All Ready Hour foods are sealed in heavy-duty packaging, and they’re resealable. That way you can use what you want and store the rest. Perfect for emergency use.
*It’s best to store this emergency food in a dry, cool location—a dark area, if possible—at temperatures between 55°F and 70°F. Actual shelf life may vary based on individual storage conditions.